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Fire Districts

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Saline county has 6 fire districts, view the Fire District map, frequently asked questions, and upcoming meetings. 

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Fire District Map

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Fire Districts
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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a volunteer firefighter?

Volunteer firefighting is a very rewarding and valuable way to serve your community.  It takes dedication and many hours of training to become a firefighter.  If you're willing to put in the time and effort, there is a departmen ready for you to serve.  Be sure you're ready to commit then contact your local Rural Fire Department Chief.  An application and interview may need to take place before a department will add you to their roster.  Training will also need to be done and the length of training programs varies, but it is recommended that Firefighter 1 & 2 are completed through Saline County.

What qualifications do I need to become a volunteer firefighter?

Most of the Saline County Rural Fire Departments require that you are at least 18 years of age or older.  We do have a few districts that have Explorer programs that will allow for those under the age of 18 to serve and begin to learn more about the fire service until they reach age 18.  A strong commitment to service through training and response is absolutely necessary.

What is the first step to volunteering?

Contact your local Rural Fire Department Chief and express your interest in joining.

Do volunteer firefighters get paid?

Volunteer firefighters do not get paid, but they can get reimbursed.  Reimbursement is usually a small amount of money for time spent responding to calls and training.  The amount is at the discretion of the department Board of Trustees.

Can I become a volunteer EMT with a Rural Fire Department?

Rural Fire Departments in Saline County, with the exception of Fire District #6, have EMT First Responder programs that are run under the assistance of Salina EMS. 

Can a volunteer position lead to a career in firefighting?

YES!  Volunteering is one of the best ways to get the necessary training and experience to be an attractive candidate for a career firefighting position.  Most of the Rural Fire Departments will also assist with paying for training/certifications as long as you commit to the department for a specified amount of time.

Contact Information

RFD #1

Chief Rod Ade
612 Maple Street
Gypsum, KS 67448
(785) 826-0658

RFD #2

Chief Jim Preston
697 E. Mentor Road
Mentor, KS 67401
(785) 452-5898

RFD #3

Chief Scott Abker
2911 N Hedville Road
Salina, KS 67401
(785) 822-4503

RFD #5

Chief David Turner
1860 N Simpson Road
New Cambria, KS 67470
(785) 493-5304

RFD #6

Chief Alan Holmquist
403 E. North Street
Smolan, KS 67456
(785) 826-5558

RFD #7

Chief Shane Komarek
4785 N. Old Highway 81
Salina, KS 67401
(785) 826-0856
