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This Code constitutes a complete codification of the general and permanent resolutions of Saline County, Kansas, adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. The source of each section of the Code is included in the history note appearing in parentheses at the end thereof. The absence of such a note indicates that the section is new and was adopted for the first time with the adoption of the Code.
The chapters of the Code have been conveniently arranged by subject, and the various sections within each chapter have been catch-lined to facilitate usage. Notes which tie related sections of the Code together and which refer to relevant state law have been included.
A Resolution Adopting and Enacting a New Code for Saline County, Kansas; Providing for the Repeal of Certain Resolutions Not Included Therein; Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof; Providing for the Manner of Amending Such Code; and Providing When Such Code and This Resolution Shall Become Effective Pursuant to Home Rule Powers K.S.A. 19-101 Et Seq.
Be it Ordained by the Board of County Commissioners of Saline County, Kansas:
Passed and Adopted by the Board of Commissioners this 12th day of May, 1992.
Michael J. White, CommissionerRoy W. Allen, CommissionerDennis E. Carlson, Commissioner
Chapter 1 - Overview of the CodeChapter 2 - Internal CodesChapter 3 - General CodesChapter 4 - Alcoholic BeveragesChapter 5 - BuildingsChapter 6 - AnimalsChapter 7 - Community Antenna Television ServiceChapter 8 - Community DevelopmentChapter 9 - Kipp Sewer DistrictChapter 9.5 - Environmental ControlChapter 10 - FireworksChapter 11 - Roads and BridgesChapter 12 - Traffic & Motor Vehicle ControlChapter 13, Part A - Zoning Resolution
Resolution 24-2408 Solar Energy Conversion Systems.pdfChapter 13, Part B - Subdivision ResolutionChapter 13, Part C - Permitted & Conditional UsesChapter 13, Part D - Definitions for Chapter 13Appendix A - Finable Offense and Penalties
This Code constitutes a complete codification of the general and permanent resolutions of Saline County, Kansas, adopted by the Board of County Commissioners.