Salina Grace, located at 304 W. Grand Ave., operates a Winter-Only Overnight Emergency Shelter.
This will be a REFERRAL ONLY night-by-night shelter, no programs, just a warm place to sleep at night during the winter.
Shelter Guests MUST check in between 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. only, unless escorted by a local law enforcement officer. All guests will leave in the morning and need to take all their belongings with them.
Referral can happen by phone or in person either at Salina Rescue Mission or Ashby House.
For men call the Salina Rescue Mission 823-2610 and ask for a shelter supervisor. For women and families, call Ashby House 826-4935.
Male registered sex or violent offenders will NOT be allowed check-in at Salina Grace, they should be referred to the Salina Rescue Mission.
Women registered offenders will be referred on a case-by-case basis by Ashby House.
Persons on corrections outside of Saline County will not be permitted to stay at Salina Grace.
Those intoxicated above .170 will not be allowed to stay at Salina Grace, will be referred to CKF Addiction Treatment detox unit if space is available.
For more information:
Contact Jazzman Byfield Shelter Manager 785.819.5542 for details and more information Shelter Phone 785.819.1073.